A few useful shortcuts to use in Ecplise: column mode toggle: ALT + SHIFT + A text to lower case:…
Polymer Project is a new easy way to use Google APIs. They simplified to the basic the usage of Google Apps…
I recently switched for work to a new Apple Mackbook Pro. Excellent machine even if, coming from KDE, I have…
In italian… a list of updates tools and tutorials: check it out!
When your creating an application maybe you end up dealing with timezones… there’s a huge black hole waiting for you…
I’ve read an interesting article introducing SASS. In short: SASS (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) is an extension of CSS that allow…
People from swedish Bitcraze are developing Crazyflie: a nano quadcopter that weight under 19g!! It’s possible to buy it from seeedstudio.com!
Found on kickstarter.com: electronics like lego.. awesome! Check it out!!
Apache Oozie with new UI: check out here!
When developing you often need to find out which resolution a specific device has this page is what you need: spirelightmedia.com.…
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